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Monday, April 23, 2012

Earth Day April 22nd 2012 Celebration

The very first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22nd in 1970 and 20-million people came together to protest environmental destruction and raise awareness for a healthier, more sustainable planet.  Since then, Earth Day has grown to be an annual global event with one billion people around the world joining together to draw attention to the environmental issues we face today. 

My son and his friend purchased two baby chickens Rhode Island Reds and I know there is a lot of work having them since my other son when he was young wanted chickens. Since every Mom knows the kids lose interest after the novelty wears off and who gets to take care of the feed, water, collecting fresh eggs, cleaning the coop and letting them out to graze and lock the chickens in the coop at night to protect them from predators.

 Mom does this extra job like she needs more work around the home like living on the Little House on the Prairie.  I told him were we live in NJ are able to have chickens but I told them if any are Rosters they must go back to the farm since they will crow and are loud. (Plus their coop is next to my bedroom window)

I was told by my son and his friend  the Rhode Island Red chickens were sexed and that mean that the chicks are females or pullets and will lay brown eggs. 

Rhode Island Red Chicken
Baby Chick
Wandering around 
Basking in the Sun
Checking out the  Rock Garden

Just to let everyone know that different chickens lay different color eggs some brown light and dark, some blue and green and sometimes a pink color and different shades of white, bright, pastel, cream. But they all taste the same except if you let your chickens feed free range meaning they will eat anything that is in your lawn (bugs) and even grass and their feed plus you can give them your scrap food like pasta and corn anything your going to put into the trash. The chickens egg yoke will have an orange color not just the plan feed yellow color and taste better than just the feed egg.

Be Creative

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